Apparently the earth undergoes puberty at age 46 (yes, scaling the earth's age to human years should make her about 46)

Now you see here's the thing; I agree. BUT I also think it would also be better without you and everyone else. That stipulation is important.

An Earth without humanity would have also been an Earth free of our pollution. The heaps of garbage and space debris circling our planet? Gone. The metric fuck-ton of trash in the ocean? Nonexistent. The melting ice caps? Not today mate.

But no, everyone apparently sees my statement and goes "But I'M a human, and I couldn't POSSIBLY be doing the planet ANY harm." When you remove your bias goggles and look at my statement from a scientific standpoint you'll see it's currently just an in-arguable truth.

But no, instead of thinking about it scientifically and proving me wrong by recycling you sit there and go "BUt mE aM hOomEn aND mE GooD."

I'm deleting my commebts from this thread because arguing with people wgo refuse to even try and understand what I'm getting at is a waste of everyone's time. That ALSO means that to ve reading this If you're using something like removeddit and I hope that paragraph was worth seeing haha.

Hopefully you can ACTUALLY learn something from this experience and that thing is that WE (not just me, not just you, not just any small group, but THE ENTIRETY OF THE HUMAN RACE) is slowly but surely rendering this planet uninhabitable and we all need to recycle more, use electric cars more, and post dumb arguements on reddit LESS.

You don't wanna make Earth-chan sad now do you?

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