ApplicationID changing after every Deployment Type change...

The webinterface has been developped internally by a developped and use a mix of SQL and WMI to query SCCM and create deployments.

But I can't tell you more, it's not developped by us directly ;-)

While moving from package to application, we checked to use cmdlets instead to have a more clean / understandable code than using WMI.

The CI_ID change everytime you doing a modification on a Deployment Type :

PS CAS:\> Get-CMApplication -Name "Mozilla Firefox*" | Select LocalizedDisplayName, CI_ID, CI_UniqueID

LocalizedDisplayName : Mozilla Firefox EN (x64)

CI_ID : 591598

CI_UniqueID : ScopeId_8FEC0891-D7B7-4154-983C-C2D483509B8B/Application_ea836113-9216-4baf-b8b5-f9a80699a8e3/14

PS CAS:\> Set-CMScriptDeploymentType -ApplicationId 591598 -DeploymentTypeName "Install Mozilla Firefox EN (x64)" -NewName "Install Mozilla Firefox EN (x64) 2"

PS CAS:\> Get-CMApplication -Name "Mozilla Firefox*" | Select LocalizedDisplayName, CI_ID, CI_UniqueID

LocalizedDisplayName : Mozilla Firefox EN (x64)

CI_ID : 591607

CI_UniqueID :ScopeId_8FEC0891-D7B7-4154-983C-C2D483509B8B/Application_ea836113-9216-4baf-b8b5-f9a80699a8e3/15

So the CI_UniqueID stay the same (except the revision number) but the CI_ID change

/r/SCCM Thread