April 12, 2021 - Weekly Off-Topic and Low-Effort CW Thread

I do not want white people to think of themselves in racial terms. The history of white Americans thinking in racialized terms is not good for people who look like me.

Too bad, Razib. Too late. That said, Razib, you have nothing to fear. I don't see why a racialized white population would pose any risk to other groups. Whites overwhelmingly just want to be left alone. Why would we go after Razib? Razib (with rare exceptions, like this post) is a generally good and reasonable guy. What animosity would we have?

It's sad, really, how various high-performing minority groups are so paranoid about white people developing group interests that they suppress white identity in a clumsy and overbearing way and provoke not only the white group consciousness, but also a cold-hearted rage among white people directed at those who used those clumsy and overbearing measures against them. Meanwhile, if those high-performing minority groups had just left white people alone, white people wouldn't have developed class consciousness or any particular animosity towards anyone at all. Many such cases.

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