Are looks that much of a non-factor for dating here in the RGV?

Seems like a like a lot of dudes answering on here. As a woman here’s my perspective. People in general tend to date people of their own attractiveness give or take a little. Hot women with hot men (and actual hot men, not what dudes think hot men are, look up female gaze men vs male gaze men). Normal with normal, ugly with ugly and etc. If you’re on dating apps and not liking the woman you’re getting, those are the ones at your attractiveness level and you should ask yourself the same question about why looks are so important to you. If you like the girls you’re getting but not getting past the “talking stage”, it may be something you’re saying and maybe should reach out to one, and make sure they know you’re not trying to go out, you just wanna know about your approach. Mention your diagnosis and I’m sure one will probably help. Most of the women I know don’t really want machismo, like at all, what we do want is someone who can provide and take care of themselves because we don’t wanna be mommy. We want a partner.

/r/RioGrandeValley Thread