Who do you *actually* want to win?

Violet Chachki. Although I would be fine with a Ginger Minj win.

With that said: This is the second year in a row where I don't LOVE anyone in the Top 3. I like them all, but none of them do much for me.

Pearl: I have actually loved Pearl's "over it" attitude this season just because it's different. It's a personality/attitude we haven't seen yet on the show. The Born Naked runway on Ambien is one of my favorite runways, ever.

I hated her storyline, but that's not her fault. I also hated her lipsyncs (except the Blondie one was okay.) The other three were awful. I knew Pearl before the show and loved her weird lipsyncs, great makeup, and fashion. However, I felt like we didn't get to see that on the show and that disappoints me.

Ginger: Great actress, singer, comedian. She is professional and has a good attitude (although she did come across defeated at times.) She also showed insecurity, which I don't mind, because it's human. I actually think the reason why she put people off so much is because the audience is mostly American. In the US, confidence is highly regarded and if you show defeat or a negative attitude, you're basically considered a sore loser.

I also hated most of Ginger's fashion. I know she isn't a look queen, so I forgive her, kinda. I did love her Hello Kitty outfits, as well as her final look.

Violet: Best fashion, obviously. I don't think she is particularly funny, but she has wit. She isn't a singer, but she can dance. She also wasn't a good actress, however, she was never bad. She always, always showed confidence and that means a lot. It shows that she is hungry for the crown and committed to doing her best. I don't think she is "the future of drag" but I do think she brings something unique to this show and I think she would fit in well with the other winners.

I also think she is a great lipsyncer/performer. I'm not talking about her aerials, she does a lot of great lipsyncs for The Other Show that don't involve silks.

So....yeah. Hope you enjoy my journal entry.

/r/rpdrtearanny Thread