Are there any good resources on how to rub or massage a fat girls belly?

Okay. I would like to express my general surprise but overall I am very pleased to hear you’re both going to be enjoying yourselves with this activity. Really I cannot say there is information on this that I know of, it is just a do it as best you can. But I have heard some fat women really like when you rub their under belly area. You say she has a “massive gut” which sounds really nice. If you’re arms are long and lanky you can rub her from behind. Start slowly to get a general feeling and lightly feel with your fingers and massage away. Do rub every inch you can. Make sure she is comfortable and relaxed and feeling pleased and pleasure. If she has love handles, you can try grabbing them but not that hard. Try to lift the belly or massive gut to lighten her weight there and slowly put the belly down. Really ask her for her requests and if she likes it keep her feeling that. Really she should tell you if she is okay with what you eventually do. There are some women who do belly play videos and some guys who play with a fat woman belly but it’s hard to find those. Most pleasurable in bed I would think or on a couch. You can play or rub in front of the belly or from behind. Pat it or smack the belly if she is into that. You can try kissing all the massive gut too. Use two hands to grab the belly if it fine with her. Really, let me know what you think. Thanks.

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