Are there any other subs like this one that are somewhat balanced?

Sorry replied to wrong post somehow.

It is really quite simple. We don't have the option of vaccinate or everything will be fine. It is a shit situation with Covid, there is no winning just how much you lose.

So we can just do nothing and end up like the US with lots of deaths and people with long Covid. Or we can have restrictions and lockdowns, or vaccination.

Vaccination has a high efficacy for protection from deaths and hospitalizations. It was good for preventing infection but Delta has screwed that. You can find plenty of studies on efficacy and side effects.

The basics for chance of adverse reactions is that they are considerably less than catching Covid. They exist, but with billions of vaccinations they are very low, but do happen.

As for children, the trials proved them to be safe and it is about stopping the little fucks from spreading it. I'm not sure on it as they only used 48 children, as more are vaccinated there will be a halt or it will be OK.

Pubmed is a good source by Googling with NCBI at the end. Although there is some rubbish, I found a very anti-vax paper, which are rare.

This paper is definitely false and I don't know how it got through, but I will include it as balance.

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