
Vacuum cleaners and bibles.
As a travelling salesman
and going door to door
unsolicited and routinely
in suburbia
it must be the case that
you are occasioned to meet and to encounter
the archetypal and the native
sexually frustrated housewife
upon a regular basis

is it true?

it is true
i do meet
sexually frustrated housewives
very regularly
they are common
they are very common

in my line of work

but how do you make a determination
regarding the putative sexual frustration
being experienced
by these sundry housewives?
Some of them
may not be sexually frustrated
how can you tell the difference
between an authentically
sexually frustrated housewife

and between a sexually gratified and a satisfied housewife?

that is very very easy
it is obvious
the sexually frustrated housewives
stand out like a sore thumb

a ticking time-bomb

how do you spot them?

well, there is a hungry look
an atmosphere of existential indisposition
powerfully emanating
in the facial musculature and its animated comportment
the maxillary muscles
are seen to randomly flex to flash and to twitch
and all this definitely uncaused in any possible linear sense
similarly with the teeth
of the sexually frustrated housewife
the teeth tending to gnash
in a default series of ongoing ghostly spasms
the entire body of a sexually frustrated housewife
is simultaneously inflated
with an agonized rage and with an indignation
but also it is compressed and distressed
in the violent paroxysms
of the unregulated the starving the consuming

and the ravenous and violently rampant libido

what is the shortest elapsed time
in your experience between
the opening of the suburban front door
by a strange sexually frustrated housewife
at your unsolicited knocking
and the initiation of a performance
by the novel sexually frustrated housewife
of genuine fellatio

upon yourself?

five seconds

five seconds?

there is a mutual recognition
of need and of supply
it is natural and immediate
a sexually frustrated housewife
she will drink and she will swallow
the semen of a stranger like me
very rapidly
as an initial and as an inaugural process
of acclimatization and orientation
for the salesman
into the proceeding diversion
and as a wage for future duties unspoken but
nevertheless firmly contracted

in the initial ejaculatory oral creampie

i see.

/r/LibraryofBabel Thread