
Seeking TH 9 to TH 11

Reddit Viper #88U2YRRG is now recruiting serious, war ready, high weight, high hero TH 9s-11s who can three star bases within their war weights, for the next CWL league.
If you are looking for a serious war clan environment, participation in CWL wars, PotLuck, RCS league and arranged wars, with an amazing fun environment, then look no further. We are a level 12 international clan, so we have people on at all hours to make sure donations are filled.
Attacks are well planned, discussed with clan mates, and drawn-up for review. In order to participate in wars, members will first need to demonstrate their reliability and attacking skills in a number of wars in our lvl 10 sister clan, Viper Pit. We war back to back in both clans and have around 80 active members. Members are allowed to war in Pit when they have a hero down.  
Online Applications Only  
We handle all new applicants case by case, but here is a general guideline:
Non rushed
Th 9 with minimum 30 combined hero levels
Th 10 with minimum 30/30 heroes if you haven’t upgraded defenses to the 10 yet
Th 10 max heroes.

We use Discord for communication, war planning, reserving bases for war, and important announcements from our leaders. Please download the app before applying.
If you have further questions about joining, please feel free to pm me or leave a comment with any questions that you have.

/r/testTTAtdhe Thread