The fact that women's legs are naturally hairy is such a mindfuck to me

Personally I find well executed conscious effort attractive, not necessarily any specific effort. So if a woman has a well cultivated style that plays well with unshaved legs then it’s cool, but if she has a style that is clashes poorly with her unshaved legs then it is a turn off. Makeup is the same for me, little or no makeup can totally be attractive as long as it’s clearly a choice, but if she’s wearing clothes that are totally out of theme with an absence of makeup then I’m not into it.

In my defense I hold myself to the same standards, if I don’t shave my face for a bit I try to alter other aspects of how I present myself to match the fact that I have stubble, if my own body hair is going to be visible I try to otherwise dress accordingly, if I’m going to wear my hair up or down I try to adjust my wardrobe to match the one I’m going with.

Generally the only thing I find unattractive (aesthetically, not sexually) is a visible sense of laziness or unawareness. But as long as someone looks as though they put thought into how they present themselves and I agree with the choices they made in the context of the whole ensemble then it’s good, regardless of my thoughts on any one of those choices alone.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent