Describe someone you initially found physically unattractive, who over time became sexually attractive to you. What did he do that made you attracted to him?

I definitely have a type. I’m not immediately attracted to most people. I rely on various personality traits to determine if I’m attracted.

Intelligence. That’s my number one thing. Most people I meet are not very smart. When I encounter someone who is extremely intelligent, it’s a major turn on no matter what they look like. Seriously. Unless they have poor hygiene or something, I’m interested. But I’m not talking like just a little smarter than average, they have to be genius level. I want to have to break out the dictionary. They need to know a lot and be able to talk about it.

Similar interests. If they aren’t particularly smart, this is my second thing. Nothing is a bigger turn off than someone who likes terrible music or only watches popular movies and tv shows. It’s hot to have an opinion and unique interests, especially if they are similar to mine.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread