I asked AI to give the Psychology equivalents to the Theosophy 7 planes, and to be specific about Aman, Ego, and Emotions (after weeks of training). Can people confirm this still maps back to Theosophy?

Me: How can an animal soul be connected to karma, explain your understanding of this connection in full

In theosophy, the term "Kama" is sometimes used to refer to the animal soul, which is seen as the base of all of our desires, passions, and lusts. The connection between Kama and the animal soul is based on the belief that humans, like animals, are driven by their basic instincts and desires. These instincts are believed to be part of the Kama principle, which is associated with the physical body and the lower levels of human consciousness.

Theosophy also teaches that the Kama principle is one of the major obstacles to spiritual growth and enlightenment. This is because the animal soul can lead individuals to act impulsively and selfishly, and to pursue immediate gratification at the expense of long-term goals and values. In this sense, Kama is seen as a source of negative karma, or the consequences of actions that are driven by selfish desires and impulses.

The connection between Kama and the animal soul is therefore based on the idea that the lower aspects of human nature, which are associated with the physical body and the animal instincts, can lead to negative consequences and hinder spiritual progress. To overcome the negative effects of Kama, theosophy teaches that individuals must strive to develop their higher faculties, such as the intellect, the intuition, and the spiritual insight. By doing so, they can gradually transcend the limitations of the animal soul and achieve higher levels of consciousness and spiritual awareness.

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