Athwart History Weekly Discussion Thread - March 29, 2021


As in, lower middle class guys who got a scholarship and were the first in their family to enter university, or self-made small business owners, who are not thrilled with the left suddenly making a 180° turn and instead of rewarding them for climbing up in society, they only get slapped extra taxes and their scorn for being a "poor fascist" or "evil businesman". They also hate wokeness because it stands against the ideas of self-improvement, self-reliance and independence. They helped themselves. Why should they be lumped into groups of bad people for not being useless idiots to be rescued? Naturally, elitism does not make them feel welcome due to obvious reasons.

Now, there are plenty middle middle and upper middle classes too. But that segment of people is the sort who have found their "natural conservativism" among working and popular classes and there are likely plenty more working classes with a latent conservativism.

However, this is all still new. The first election for these newer movements will be soon, with constituent assembly and local elections and electoral results remain to be seen.

/r/AthwartHistory Thread Parent