Bad subreddit layout

You're right in that reducing from two clicks to one is making it "easier to access". It was a mistake to phrase it that way. What I meant is that we're going to the extreme of making information easily available. By taking something that takes .5 seconds and reducing it to .25. There's "making information easier to read" and "holding the hands of users to make every experience in a few months old company as simple as possible". I'm of the opinion that going to that extreme handholding measures that you're suggesting is beyond just "making information more accessible". It's literally spoonfeeding.

You stated the mods are not the creators or developers. There is a mod named district0x, and a mod named misterpeej who works for district0x. To think that the developers and creators don't have control over the information in this subreddit is an assumption I would not make.

You seem to misunderstand. if I'm a woodworker, I am happy catering to a smaller audience if it means I don't have to take time out of my passion to explain to you why the sky is blue. Educating people on things that should be common sense, or are answered on the first page of a google search is the absolute last thing I would do as a woodworker (or any business owner). Yeah if I owned a mortgage company I would make it as easy as possible to have people submit information. But that's because I'm only in the business to make money. It's not my passion to lend money out to people and charge them for it. In the mortgage company, I'd be a fool not to advertise to the bottom barrel. That is not the goal of the woodworker (what hobbyist woodworker has a publicist?). This absolutely detracts from the woodworker because the publicist has to waste time confirming with the woodworker that the publicists actions are okay. Any time spent doing shit that isn't relevant is time lost doing relevant things.

I'm not asking why you should put minimal effort into better design. I think the people you attract by making information "easily accessible" or "spoonfeeding" dilutes the overall value of the product and brings in discussions that should never happen.

I guess frustrated is a better word. It's like telling a kid the stove is hot but they don't care so they keep touching it.

/r/district0x Thread Parent