What is one thing you wish your parents did differently when raising you?

Not expect me to be my siblings. My parents put a lot of stock in my older brother and he received a lot of handouts from them growing up, and my Dad and his side of the family put my younger sister on a pedestal (first daughter in the family in several generations). Although I'm the middle child, I only came a year after my brother so when it came to doing things for me, my parents were already tired of doing some of that stuff with my brother. So I learned to be independent quickly.

Now that I'm in my late 20's, I've got my own life on track, my parents are just realizing how much they weren't really there for me growing up, cause I'm not around as much as my siblings (who still live at home and are 100% dependant on them in every way). It sucks because the only people they can compare me to now is my siblings, so when they don't talk to me for a few weeks because I'm working, out doing things, traveling, etc- they think it's because I hate them, and not because I'm out living my life. I've tried telling them that they can't expect me to be the same person as my brother and sister, but that always turns into an argument and I can tell they don't really understand what I'm actually trying to say.

Looking back now, I can only wonder if they treated me like a different person instead of comparing me to my siblings (who are both clueless and useless at times), We would have a better relationship now.

/r/AskReddit Thread