Merry Christmas, Reddit! What’s the worst family get-together you’ve ever had during the holidays (prior to this year) and what happened?

I didn't go to college, but all my sisters did, so two of them moved out before me even though I'm older than all of them. Although they certainly did not move out to a home that they were going to pay for themselves. They moved out to a place that their parents were covering for. This means that in spite of the fact that they weren't living in the house, they were technically bigger leaches than me because at least I didn't require a whole other home for my parents to pay for.

none the less when they came over during the holidays, it some how came up in conversation that I hadn't gotten it together "unlike them" and i took exception to that, because it wasn't like they earned their own home. They were just "cosplaying" as independent adults. I think that that's objectively true. Still got under my skin though, and I moved out myself within a few months. there's no doubt that rushed me along, so maybe that can be seen as a good thing, but "constructive criticism" and "shame" aren't always the same thing.

/r/AskReddit Thread