I was banned from the harmony discord for asking for better communication from the team

Yeah but I am doing for free and have been for the last year. Just pointing out a simple fact I'm saying a little funding for the time put in and the hours spent alone creating the informative content would have ideal considering all the licensing graphics and logos etc all of it has come out of my own pocket so far, our funding request was swept under the rug like it never happened.. anyway irrelevant to this and its been pulled out of context I was defending myself because he became an expert on community operations trying to school us, regardless the op did threaten me twice mind you if he had he approached it like a normal person and enquired on why he was banned I may have helped him resolve it but he did everything wrong. Made demands, threatened me twice , trashed 2 platforms and now this. This is starting to look a little orchestrated.

/r/harmony_one Thread Parent