do you believe we are capable of accessing extraordinary abilities?

That's a great perspective, conspiracies are just another way to take our power away from us, putting us beneath a certain group etc. Although finding out about the lies is the first step to truth. If you are interested on Buddhism and ancient practices I would recommend a guy named Ken wheeler his youtube channel is called "theoria apophasis" I would suggest his older videos on ancient Pali and magnetism. Some people are out of by his personality but he is extremely wise and great with language and ancient translations.

He says some funny stuff like "I'm a bald fat guy with tatoos" and always says "what makes you think you are that which dies?"

He is hyper- logical though but explains many truths about original "buddism" from ancient texts that are somewhat keep hidden.

Take what resonates and leave the rest though, you can learn from anyone even if you don't agree with everything they say, I don't agree with eveything but the nuggets of gold are amazing. He isn't mainstream like Hancock etc.

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