Best uses of Compel

Here's a short list of what ghosts are capable of in my game's fiction, do with it what you will.

  • Possess other people, and possibly make them do something (depending on the ghost's cognizance)
  • Freeze things, possibly solid if the ghost is powerful enough
  • Possess a Husk to then become a Vampire (HIGHLY dangerous, with many far reaching consequences)
  • Possess and possibly manipulate Hulls
  • Become invisible while doing other things
  • Interact with objects remotely, such as snuffing out lights or opening locks
  • Pass through normal objects like walls and doors, no matter how thick
  • Can literally float and fly
  • Carry certain objects, depending on weight and magical influence (somewhat unreliable)
  • Speak about their memories of the past, whatever might remain
  • Interfere with sparkcraft gadgets and security
  • Generate electroplasmic lightning (rare, but possible)
/r/bladesinthedark Thread