Blizzard first Jainas chest now this, this is unacceptable. I want my hot succubus back

The image is about being banned from places and told to make your own places. You weren’t banned. You weren’t excluded. You just got your big anime titties taken away from you.

The original point was about toning down hypersexualized female characters. That’s all I’m concerned with talking about. The hypersexualization is unnecessary. It’s harmful to women. And yet you think it should be included because you want it, and allegedly some women you know (I doubt you know any tbh) don’t mind it.

I can’t believe I’m wasting time arguing with an overgrown child who is upset he can’t look at drawings of women in thin panties and giant breasts on his card game. This is a game for all ages. If you want anime titties the internet is filled with them

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