Calling all deck builders!

There is no question. There isn't even an argument about how good this deck is. This deck is the best goddamn deck right now and theres no question about it. Damn straight bolvar is in this deck, yes I'm running avenge, no those cards don't suck.

Old paladin: Oh big creature I'll aldor/kodo huegh heugh.

New paladin: Aldor/kodo into set up for avenge, get that fucking bolvar stat in there and maintain the fucking shit out of the goddamn board.

The amount of fucking combos and sustain this deck has isn't even fair. Fucking tinkmaster overspark. TINKMASTER OVERSPARK IS IN THIS DECK AND ITS STILL FUCKIGN GOOD. Turn 5 heropower -> tinkmaster. You either have a 3/3 and a 1/1 or a 3/3 and a 5/5, when that happens ohh shit man its over. I haven't seen anything that has this much board control and damage because it's not fucking possible

In most decks it's either stop their board or build up your own. This one does both like a fucking bawwsss.

Don't even let me say how fucking awesome muster for battle is, like holy goddamn shit, it fucking combos with every goddamn card in the deck. Oh 3 knives to the face that's cool. Oh 3 3/3 guys on the board, good fucking luck swipe. Tinkmaster becoming fucking viable what is this.

Card draws? Divine Favor: #cantstopwontstop

Seriously and look at the fucking face damage this deck has, all it's fucking weapons and avenging wrath. It's like fucking face hunter had a baby with freeze mage and moved to north korea.

THIS DECK IS SO GOOD DR. BALANCED IS THE ONLY QUESTIONABLE CARD, seriously he's really only in there because he combos with equality/bolvar/that's about goddamn it. It just had no 7 drop so I was like fuck I'll put this shit in there. I'd even swap him out for a Captain greenskin every now and then because a 6/4 weapon sound pretty goddamn balanced.

Gaming name: Optimisium

/r/hearthstone Thread