[Calling out an abusive jerk] Jeremy Horneck -- /u/superlewis -- abuses mod power and complains when people call him out. Here's his stupid face. And, no, it's not doxing.

/u/superlewis is none of those things. He is human like you and like me. He isn't Jesus. I'm going to be honest if this was about me I would cry. Literally, I would have tears in my eye and I would be sobbing. I actually have tears in my eyes a little from reading this. I'm not speaking for him, I don't know how he is emotionally feeling. But is that what you wanted for superlewis to do? He is a living breathing person like you, do you want him to feel the pain you are now feeling?

I am possibly the most downvoted person on /r/reformed. At times I feel like I am the most disliked. I've seen you on there but honestly I wasn't aware anyone had an issue with you until a couple of days ago. I have written things that have seemingly made the moderators angry. Yes like you, I've even been called names on /r/reformed and it appears to have been overlooked by the mods, meanwhile they nitpick things I write and accuse me of heresy. And I found out the truth which is the truth about any pastor, leader, or person: People are not perfect. If you start expecting people to be perfect, especially leaders in the church, you will get burned.

Jesus said love your enemy. I don't think superlewis is actually your enemy. I don't think he is actually out to hurt you. I might be wrong about that, I really don't know. But either way Christ's commandment is the same: love. Evidently you've been hurt, you've been hurt bad or you wouldn't have spent the time to write all this stuff, but when they hurt Jesus what did He do? He loved them anyway and forgave them. You can do this too! You can turn the other cheek to superlewis.(superlewis can submit, and turn the other cheek to you and love you too but this message is for you) If it means he "wins" so be it. Let him win, go the extra mile. Humble yourself. if he takes your tunic, give him your cloak. If you have God's love in your heart(and I know you do, all people do), in the name of that little meek and mild bloody crucified lamb, remove this post and let yourself be slaughtered on your own cross with Jesus.

I will be your friend man, if you need one. You can even beat me up and make posts about me, I will still love you. If you need to PM me, PM me. If you need to email me, i'll give you my personal email address. If you have problems I'll pray with you. Or I'll download the "Kik" app on my phone and we can be instant messenger buddies. We can chat all day long, I would enjoy that actually. or if you just need someone to talk to. or rant to, about this or about life, or marriage or family or anything. I'll be that guy. I won't judge you. You are not alone in this. I will feel your pain with you, and bear it with you. I love you Fortwice.

/r/aomin Thread Parent Link - sli.mg