Can we change?

First of all, your first sentence tells me that you didn't even read what I wrote. Look at what the halo effect is and understand that your first sentence is wrong.

Secondly, there is a huge gap with giftedness, don't be too extreme. And then I never talked about appearing smart, I talked about appearing smarter than what you are right now, there is a nuance.

And 3 nobody walks around with their IQ stamped on their head. No one can know your IQ unless you say so. So yes, we can perceive your intelligence by your actions but look at the subtlety. We can perceive, not see. My IQ is 95 so it's not extremely low but it's lower than average. I have 85 in visuospatial ability and processing speed, the rest is slightly above average. But what I want to tell you is that I know how intellectual weaknesses can be a huge hindrance and when our brain is not able to do something, we can't do it. On that I agree with you. But I assure you that there are many ways to appear more lucid than you are. Vocabulary, general culture, appearance, etc...

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