Why can he only cum by himself???

Good sex is based upon each persons perspective and viewpoint on a scenario. For me I want to experience the euphoria of an orgasm simultaneously. I don’t want to meet bare minimum and him go and finish himself. I want to be good enough to finish him on my own. I don’t want to have to pull up artificial shit to please him yet turn me off. Fuck that, I should be good enough to experience and if I’m not then he can go watch his porn and miss out. I honestly don’t even use porn to masturbate it kills me vibe. I want to be real life porn for a man and if I’m not then I’m not doing what I desire to do as a women. I’ve been with previous partners and they’ve complimented me and came so easily and even said I was tight. This shouldn’t be a chore, comfortable sex is supposed to be effortless and enjoyable. It always was for me until now.. again. Maybe to you, not cumming isn’t a big deal. But that’s my end goal always. Because that’s the grand finale and fireworks for two to experience together. That’s true intimacy and if I’m the only one cumming then I’m just honestly as on my own as I am when I’m masturbating alone.

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