Does anyone have any "fan made" versions of Smile?

I've been working on one for a few months now that's pretty much a middle ground between could've/would've/should've for an accurate '67 Smile with what we have. Obviously subjective and based on some personal preference though, there are hundreds of 'historically accurate' fanmixes out there and everyone has their own ideas for how it should go. All stereo, from the best official sources and fanmixes I could find along with a lot of my own mixing, 2 LP sides, 46ish minutes.

The one that seems to be the most well known is the soniclovenoize mix, which I like a lot and he's done some of the best fan stereo mixing out there but there's a lot of sequencing and song construction that doesn't make sense, like using a vintage Heroes and Villains that was definitely unfinished with missing lyrics and making Love to Say Dada part of The Elements. Not that it makes it a bad listen though.

There's a lot of evidence to suggest it would actually be two movements (Americana and the Cycle of Life stuff), not totally unlike the 2004 version, but over two LP sides (and no linked tracks or segues, every song would be banded and have a fade). The Elements would've been a single 4 part track that had nothing to do with Wind Chimes or Dada, but at one point Vega-Tables was apparently earth before it got fleshed out into its own song. There are also contemporary accounts that suggest Prayer was actually the ending coming after Surf's Up, and You're Welcome may/may not have been a replacement intro. The Prayer session where Brian calls it an intro to the album was an early version in C# and the finished one is in a totally different key that doesn't fit with Heroes and Villains (that's why they put Gee there as a segue in 2004). Also, the Vegetable Argument and George Fell into His French Horn comedy skits recorded with professional musicians would probably have made it on the album somewhere. The humour stuff (as dumb as it is) is a criminally overlooked part of Smile.

My sequence goes:

(You're Welcome) 1. Heroes and Villains 2. Do You Like Worms? 3. Cabin Essence 4. My Only Sunshine 5. The Elements 6. Vega-Tables

  1. Good Vibrations
  2. Wind Chimes
  3. Love to Say Dada
  4. Wonderful
  5. Child is Father of the Man
  6. Surf's Up (Prayer)

Cheats in a few places by lumping IIGS and Barnyard together with My Only Sunshine like on the Smile Sessions just to use them somewhere and Dada was technically recorded after the project was cancelled but whatever, gotta fill some gaps! Every song here apart from Cabin Essence, Good Vibrations and Surf's Up has something different about them from the official release but, uh, spoilers?


/r/thebeachboys Thread