Can We Have More Vent/Rant Threads On This Subreddit?

  1. He's not taking them to trips to kmt. He's going all through africa, especially western Africa. Fact check number 1.

  2. Nobody forced negro's to abandon their black stores. Nobody forced negro's to stop patronizing each other. That's an issue with the negro. Specifically with their sub-conscious. You're not going to get negro's who willingly don't support each other to start supporting each other by putting "buy black" on a t-shirt or a website, it's deeper than that. I've told you this multiple times, you just don't seem to understand that there is a problem with the psyche of the american negro and until that is changed you will continue to be dominated in your own community.

You're a supported of black lives matter, a group who is funded by a white jewish billionaire and it's sole purpose is to ask white folks to stop shooting.

But let umar johnson dedicate his life to stopping the drugging of black boys and girls in these public schools and he's just some youtube personality. Let umar johnson take dozens of trips on his free time to juvenile detention center's to help our young boys and girls and he's some youtube guy. Let umar johnson try to open an afrocentric school for young boys and girls and he's just some youtube guy.

In another post you said something along the lines of you wish we had fred hampton right now instead of umar johnson. You're a sick motherfucker.

/r/JustProBlackThings Thread Parent