Test post please ignore

Your submission or comment was removed for one or more of the following:

Rule 1A:

Do not interact with the subject(s) of any post.

Sending messages of any sort, positive or negative, to the people featured in any post on TumblrInAction is strictly forbidden. This includes, but isn't limited to, interacting with their family, friends, employer, etc. Reporting or encouraging others to report is also not allowed. We take this rule very seriously, and breaking this will net you a permanent ban, so don't do it.

Rule 1B:

Do not post things you started.

If you encounter a nutty person in the wild you are free to do what you like, but if you engage with them at all do not post or link to it here. If you are doing your own thing and someone appears and starts acting ridiculous you can share that, but once you've posted that to TiA drop it; do not carry on the conversation.

Rule 1C:

Don't bait the bloggers.

Don't post responses to "anonymous asks" which are clearly trying to antagonise the blogger. This also includes making posts and comments trying to provoke a response.

Posts featuring an SJW attacking when you're chatting about something mundane is fine, but dumping "Feminism sucks" on their page and posting their response is not.

We are aware that you may not be the one who posted the bait, but we don't want to reward that behaviour with karma since it can come from breaking Rule 1A.


This is a sitewide rule, but it deserves extra emphasis here. When you go to post something on TumblrInAction, you may notice some personal information, or location may be included in the material you post. Personal information includes full names, locations, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. Whether or not it's in the post, make sure it's scrubbed out before it gets posted here.

Facebook submissions are required to be in the form of screenshots, and must have names, usernames, photos, and locations redacted. This extends to Facebook pages (and the names of those pages), other non-person accounts, and sites with Facebook comment integration, since we don't want anyone finding the people who comment on these pages.

Rule 3C: Don't advocate hatred or harm.

We're here to have fun, crack jokes, and mock the stupidity of people, not to be active hate mongers. We get it, there are people out there that will always call us racists, misogynists, and/or transphobes no matter what we do, but that does not excuse you crossing the line and proving them right. TiA is a diverse community with people of various identities, beliefs, and creeds. As such, we do not allow outright hatred here. You can express unpopular opinions in a civil manner and we will always take context into account, however when you use TiA as a soapbox to advocate hate, you're no longer welcome in the community.

Satire posts, troll blogs, joke posts, and memes all belong in /r/TumblrCirclejerk. Here is a list of all the satire and troll blogs that we know about. If you're afraid that a blog you're posting may be satirical or a troll, here are some tips to help you discern the fake crazy from the real shit. Bear in mind that this covers cases where a tumblrina has been trolled by anon.

  • Sanity posts go to /r/TumblrAtRest. A sanity post highlights someone reacting reasonably to SJW bullshit and/or calling out said bullshit. Basically, offering logic where there was none. Pointing out sanity is not the focus of this sub, but submissions that contain someone lecturing a SJW are a-ok, as long as the post is meant to put a spotlight on SJW idiocracy. So, as a general rule of thumb: The post should primarily focus on some SJW acting ridiculous, not any logical smackdowns they're receiving. NOTE: The only exception to this rule is on Sundays, for "Sanity Sunday" (10pm EST Saturday nights - 3am PST Monday Mornings [0200hrs GMT Sunday to 1000hrs GMT Monday]) where these types of posts are allowed on TiA, in order for this to work properly start the title of your submission with [Sanity Sunday].

Videos and YouTube comments are banned from /r/TumblrInAction. Seriously, this fruit is so low-hanging that it's subterranean, and it's a bitch to verify; this covers all videos on TiA.

TumblrInAction is for fun and for laughter. There is a distinct lack of funny in this, therefore it was removed.

The topic of your post has been embargoed. Please familiarize yourself with the list, which can be found here.

Posts originating from dating sites aren't allowed. It's not uncommon to find crazies on sites like OKCupid and Tinder, but due to the amount of personal information and how easy it is to track down those profiles, we'd rather you didn't post them here.

Stuff which doesn't belong on TiA.

Yik Yak submissions are so prone to trolling that it's not worth bothering. Users also tend to be underage, so we don't allow that here.


No, seriously, don't bring any SJW bullshit or anything else you found on any other part of Reddit over here. No linking to threads, No screenshots, no "discussing" the character of other subreddits and how they're clear examples of SJWs, no complaining about how you were banned by the mods of other subreddits, none of it. We're neither /r/SubredditDrama nor /r/SubredditCancer, and we don't want to get involved with that shit. Leave us the hell out.


Titles of post need to be accurate and reflect the content. Misleading people, editorializing based on things not present, constructing strawmen, or distorting the subject, even unintentionally, is all stuff best left to the tumblrinas. Do it too often, and you'll end up on our spammer list.

Submission Guidelines.

Don't post links to full blogs. Obviously there's a specific post that caught your attention. Post that. Post a specific example of the lunacy/vitriol. Posting the entire blog is lazy shitposting. Posts like this will be removed. Do it too much, and you'll end up on the spammers' list.

This is not TiA material.

Your Post is better suited on: fuck

There is not enough TiA-brand crazy to merit this being here.

Please note that merely mentioning social justice does not make something TiA material. We're looking for mental gymnastics so bad that it's funny.

Memes/macros or photos with no context shouldn't be posted.


Do not repost something that has already been submitted within the past 72 hours. While we understand that, as a large sub, you may be submitting something you didn't already see here, and it will be seen by more people who've yet to see it, please make sure you've checked through the post list to ensure you aren't rehashing recent material.

Do not submit common reposts. Some things simply get posted way too much, a list of most of these can be found here.

Shitpost: being a post of low effort, low content, or low hanging fruit

This is not /r/ShitTumblrSays

Posts should be submitted here to laugh at Tumblr's antics, not to complain about them. Submissions intended to induce rage or "call out" those involved will be removed.

One line posts, for example "you are X if you don't X" without any further explanation are low-effort and boring. The statement may be crazy, but we're looking for content that is longer than a single line.

I've been a naughty boy

If you have any questions or comments about this action, Use this link to send us a mod mail message here.

Any PM sent to individual mods about this action will likely be ignored. Mod mail is the proper channel and will be your best bet for any appeals.

Using this link sends us link to the post/comment in question. Without it, we may be unable to help you. So please use the link provided here.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread