Can u go everywhere

Oh, so we're gonna name call now. Okay, I'm game.

Before you call someone a retard, check your facts, because if you can't remember four fucking days ago when the beta was out you stupid fucking idiot, then you clearly are a stupid fucking idiot or a troll.

The beta only offered about 6 guns per class most of which were multiple variants of the same gun (Cei rigotti, Cei rigotti artillery, marksman so on and so fourth), 2 handguns (1911 and P08) of the 10 available in the full game and we won't even discuss how there was absolutely no weapon customization whatsoever

Theres a link showing you exactly what was in the assault class with 8 weapons listed as "only available in the full game"

Let's get back to Forza, because I don't want to overload your pea sized brain with multiple points. A company wouldn't put all the content in a demo, the demo is for you to test out the game. You have no right, as the consumer of a free demo to ask for more. You got more than what you're entitled to. Man the fuck up you baby and stop crying about what you want. I'm sorry mommy didn't give you the $60 to preorder the game, but you for damn sure don't deserve the content for free.

TL:DR maybe spend a minute fact checking you troll before you spout off bullshit and name call.

/r/forza Thread Parent