Thousands of women are throwing a guy a dance party after he was body shamed

You're not wrong, but I did say contributors, not causes - factors that make obesity more likely or harder to combat. Sleep deprivation, epigenetic predisposition, environmental pollutants that screw with fat metabolism....there's a whole mess of contributors coming to light in recent research. Even the fact most of us now live largely in temperature stable environments has been shown to nudge up the obesity rate by encouraging white fat formation rather than brown.

Toss in the fact that food is everywhere and plays a central role in every social function under the sun, and even if it's solely a matter of food addiction, it's going to be a tough cycle to break. Toss in a couple of predisposing factors on top of it, and it becomes orders of magnitude harder. Calorie restriction and increased activity do mitigate the problem - everyone can lose at least some weight that way - but diet and exercise alone are not sufficient to solve the problem for everyone and not everyone has the option - osteoarthritis, for example, can make exercise nigh on impossible for many.

And all that leaves aside socio-economic issues like poverty and the profound impact they have on the matter, nor the difficulties of keeping weight off long enough to tear down the protein scaffolds/fat cell structures and prevent the rebound cycle so many obese people fall into.

I guess all I'm just trying to point out just how complicated the obesity problem is, to try and underline just how baseless and counter-productive fat-shaming is. Chuckles up there doesn't know what factors went into whoever he happens to be bullying today having become fat, nor what issues are acting as obstacles toward fixing/mitigating the problem. It's pretty much a given that anyone who is obese has struggled with the issue, many of them for their entire lives, and that helping scorn on them for failing to beat it is just about the worst thing anyone can do for them.

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