I cant believe nobody called this out yet... chooter?

The reaction has been absolutely insane at this stage we have no idea why she was let go, sure there are a few reasons out there why this might be an unfair dismissal but there are way more reasons out there for why it might have been completely justified.

Until you actually know what happened from both sides its insane to shut down the majority of a website because the admin you had most contact with was forced to leave the company.

People present different narratives and we have no idea what was happening behind the scenes.

Remeber the reddit employee who thought he was fired because he raised concerns that reddit was donating 10% of profits to charity?

According to the then CEO Yishan Wong claimed he was sacked:

  1. Incompetence and not getting much work done.
  2. "inappropriate or irrelevant comments when interviewing candidates."
  3. Making incorrect statements in public about reddits systems that you had very little knowledge of, even after having these errors pointed out by your peers and manager.
  4. Not taking feedback from your manger or other engineers about any of these when given to you, continuing to do #2 until we removed you from interviewing, and never improving at #1

you can read the post in full here

The vast majority of us havent talked to u/chooter so we have no idea what she was like, even if we had spoken to her we'd only seen her public face we have no idea how she acted with her colleagues.

This dismissal could be totally justified.

On the other hand it may very well not be and its a 'bad' CEO making bad decisions .

Until were told why she was dismissed this whole protest is moronic.

/r/UpvotedBecauseGirl Thread Link - np.reddit.com