I cant fucking do this anymore

You are not alone, it's a super slow process and its hard af but don't give up. I'll always say we'll never heal from this sickness, it's part of us, but that means we know how this monster works and that gives us the power to control it. If we can starve and binge, we can eat normal. I wish i could help you ❤️

There is a method where we fight our fear by eating without binging so we don't starve but we don't purge... We get used to the feeling of eating and we add a bit more calories every certain time. If it helps, start with whatever you want, even 300 (i know that's nothing) but next week add 200+ and next week add 100... You won't feel so guilty but you won't starve, your body needs it. YOU GOT THIS.

/r/AnorexiaNervosa Thread