Need food suggestions that aren’t terrifying :-(

A few things

  1. Recovery is about changing your mindset, not about gaining weight. Your illness is that 'terrible fear' of certain foods and numbers, not the weight per se.

  2. Take the idea of 'healthy weight gain' out of your head. Your body has been starving and wasting away. Whatever you eat it will use to repair itself and it won't be pretty. You won't get all muscular and athletic looking. You can do that later if you wish but recovery weight gain is not equal to gym bro weight gain.

  3. You're just asking for safe foods, which still is disordered behavior.

You can google recovery meal suggestions. In recovery they teach you to add different food groups and you can do that slowly as you try to battle your own intrusive thoughts. Remember, the mind is the main goal.

/r/AnorexiaNervosa Thread