This is a card game...

Ranked play should be split into more options:

  • Normal duel: the way it is now
  • Matched duel: an opponent with the same deck sets will be selected (deck sets are the following: basic, expert (Classic), Goblins vs. Gnomes, Blackrock Mountain, Naxxramas, and The Grand Tournament) (note: this does not mean the exact same cards, just the same deck sets)

This would allow newbies (or those who refuse to pay for cards) to compete vs. other newbies. And people like me who have purchased cards but haven't bought the adventures yet to play against other similar decks. It's so frustrating to compete against others who have cards from the adventures (damn you Grim Patron!), and feel like they have an unfair advantage. (Of course, we could have different names if you don't like mine.)

And even though I've spent over $100 on cards, I still only have about 3 legendary cards. So when others have more than me I feel like they have an unfair advantage. So maybe something like this:

  • Hardcore duel: no legendary cards allowed
  • Matched hardcore duel: self-explanatory

This would be more of a challenge to rely on skill and strategy rather than just having the best cards.

And, for fun, we could also maybe have other options like:

  • Legacy duel: a random previous Tavern Brawl will be selected
  • Timed duel: could have a time limit per person, say 15 minutes (or maybe select from some options), and the person who runs out of time first will die (this would encourage fast play)
  • Random duel: pick your class, and random cards are selected. or maybe the class is random, but the decks are not. or maybe they're both random.
  • Master duel: all cards are available to select from. (since this would discourage buying cards, maybe make it only once/day or somehow limit it)

Mostly, I just really want the option to have this more fair and balanced kind of play so that it doesn't become a pay to win game. (The person with the best cards or most cards wins.) It should be more about skill and strategy.

/r/hearthstone Thread