CBD Subscription Box Start-up

So, for $45, I get this

That is literally the only description I can find of it. Do I get what is in the picture? How many items? How many doses? It's like a mystery box of CBD. It even says "New to the hemp game?" and still doesn't give me any more information.

This feels like a shopify store, or something similar. I would lose the folksy commentary in places like the FAQ if you want to appear like a larger, more reputable entity. Right now this store screams "A couple people are running this out of their kitchen." That's fine, but it doesn't inspire confidence in buyers.

But here is the real deal breaker. At the bottom of your store, when I click the Authorized.net Verified Merchant badge, I get this

Don't even have to know what it means, I'm not going to shop there.

/r/weedbiz Thread