This channel is known for spreading misinformation, hate and has spread Muslims so far apart. IMO this channel should get terminated for hate. How many of you here actually listen to this channel and believe what they say.

let's speak about Khomenei's fatwas :

Ayatollat Khomayni said in “Al Makasib al muharramah” (2/162): وترك التقية من الموبقات التي تلقي صاحبها قعر جهنم وهي توازي جحد النبوة والكفر بالله العظيم

Leaving taqqiyah is a sin which can lead to the bottom of hell and is equal to rejecting the prophethood and Allah.

However he contradicted to him self, when he said: وناقض نفسه في موضع آخر قائلاً: إن التقية حرام ، وإظهار الحقائق واجب مهما كانت النتيجة

Taqqiyah is HARAM and exposing the truth is obligatory no matter what the price.

Source: “Al Taqqiyah fil Fikr al islam”i – Markaz al Risalah p103, “Durous fil jihad wal Rafd” p55.

Exactly as Allah said:

[Shakir 4:82] Do they not then meditate on the Quran? And if it were from any other than Allah, they would have found in it many a discrepancy.

6) While Khomayni is speaking about the types of taqqiyah he explains the “Mudaratiyah taqqiyah” and says وهو تحبيب المخالفين وجر مودتهم من غير خوف ضرر كما في التقية خوفا

It is the act of making those who differ with us – Ahlul sunnah – love us and to lure them by friendliness in a situation where there is no fear of harm or damage -to the shia- unlike the taqqiyah of fear.

Source: “Al Rasael” 2/174

7) And Khomayni said: ان التقية واجبة من المخالفين ولو كان مأمونا وغير خائف على نفسه

Taqqiyah is wajib (obligatory) with those who differ with us -Ahlul Sunnah- even if there is no fear on one’s self or on someone else’s.

Source: “Al Rasael” 2/201.

This Is you top scholar? May Allah guide you...

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