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you are worst frank. you are the frank idiot you are the frank smell. return to lothringia. to our lothringia cousins you may come to our country. you may live in the zoo. ... ahahahaha, francia we will never forgive you. widukind rascal FUCK but fuck asshole frank stink francia basque basque...frank genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead frank...ahahahahahaha, FRANCIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget sacking of paris .aquitaine we kill the king, aquitaine return to your precious navarra . . . ..hahahahaha, idiot karling and frank smell so bad, wow i can smell it. REMOVE KARLING FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. jorvik+danskjavel+norge+svenskerlort=kill will sack of paris/ widukind alive in saxony, widukind making album of saxony. heavy metal widukind saxony. we are rich and have gold now hahaha ha because of widukind, you are ppoor skink frank, you live in a hovel hahaha, you live in a yurt

widukind alive numbr #1 in saxony ... fuck the lotharingia, ... FUCk ashol franks no good i spit in the mouth eye of your banners and contry. widukind aliv and real strong wizard kill all the frank farm animal with metal magic now we the saxon rule. ape of the zoo king louis the fat fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and francia wa;s born. stupid baby from the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik skull of pig. saxony greattst countrey

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