Charli Milburn - Werewolf

Emilija remembered when she was a teenager, quips constantly flying out of her mouth without a second thought. She was still quite sharp-tongued, though tempered somewhat by experience.

"Ah, you're in a good mood," she replied, "Hopefully that will make this chat easier."

She shifted in her seat slightly. Turning her body so she didn't have to turn her neck as much to look at Charli.

"How have the last couple nights been for you?"

It should be quite clear what she's referring to. The full moon was very recent, and for many wolves - especially loners - the experience was less than pleasant. Her red eyes, piercing, unnatural and creepifying as they are, show some hint of compassion: concern for a fellow wolf, even one not part of her pack.

They were just about the only soft thing about Emilija. Otherwise, there was a soldier-like rigidity about her, which is probably where the "vaguely threatening" feeling came from.

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