Your sentence mining setups

When you say the Migaku extension creates cards with 1 click, what exactly do they look like by default with your setup? Can you share an image? I set up Yomichan yesterday and found that the "1 click cards" really aren't any good and there requires some manual fixing so it still takes a couple minutes for each card, especially with sentence audio which I have to use Audacity for since it turns out ShareX audio capture is really unreliable for me and doesn't work most of the time.

A few problems I encountered that I'm wondering if the Migaku extension does better hoping you can let me know as I'm just trying to decide whether it's worth putting in the effort to set up

While watching on Animelon, whenever I created a new card with Yomichan it wouldn't take the individual sentence but it would grab a ton of other surrounding text, which seemed to be because there aren't any periods or anything to indicate where each line/sentence ends. Because of this I found the best method is to use that pop-up clipboard window thing which brings up definitions and then grab sentences from there. This isn't too big of a deal because it at least works, but even then the pitch accent info stuff doesn't fit perfectly in the cards so I type it in manually, the glossary definition stuff is all aligned left and it doesn't seem possible to center it with the rest of the card, and so on just too many little things like this that made me feel like the "1 click card" idea is just dishonest and not actually true unless you're fine with having ugly cards.

So are Migaku cards actually perfect with 1 click, or do they still require a bunch of manual tweaking? I'd like to see some examples if possible

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