Christmas 50$/5,000 Apex Coins giveaway! (How to join in the comments below)

How to participate:

Go to my Twitch:

In the chat type !raffle (even when I am Offline), this will get you 1 ticket for the giveaway (Subscribers get x2 tickets).

Make sure you are following me, the bot will only pick a winner from the followers.

Yes this is Console as well as PC, so everyone can participate!

There will be 5 winners meaning each person wins 10$ worth of Apex Coins or Giftcards of your choice (Amazon, Steam, Origin, PSN, Xbox etc..)

Giveaway winners will be announced in 24h from the time of this post. (I will personally message you either on discord or Twitch)

For those that cannot find the chat just clik on this link it takes you directly to it!

Make sure you join our discord to stay updated with more giveaways and to play with some of the best players in the world (we also have a minecraft server):

Good luck to everyone and have a happy and safe Christmas, much love <3

/r/lifelinemains Thread Link -