[Serious] What made you turn away from religion?

the sexism, misogyny, I’ve always felt worthless as a woman, especially since I don’t want to get married or have kids

this is so relatable lol. In my religion, a woman's only purpose is to have children, create a religious home, and support the men in studying religious texts. Seriously, that was our only purpose. We're married off at 19, not allowed to use birth control until we have children (iirc a male child, so if you have five girls but no boys you still can't use bc), and brainwashed into believing this is what we want. I once had a teacher tell me that a woman can't get into heaven unless she supports religious study (which can only be done by men, implying she must get married and/or have children to go to heaven.)

I'm so glad I left.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent