Circle white widow

Really annoying… especially when it’s the third or fourth time in a row that a crappy tub comes.

And who can afford to be without their meds whilst awaiting a replacement?

Almost everything has turned to crap in consumerism. Almost everyone is trying to get away with as much as they can. From screens designed to break as soon as they’re dropped to supermarket chains using inflation to make millions in profit… saying “it’s not our fault, it’s covid/supply issues/the war in Ukraine.”

Everything is a “hustle”. No one can be trusted. Not Governments, Media, nobody. It’s almost seen as a good thing to scam and ripoff. “It’s my hustle” (Perhaps, not even almost.) People don’t care about truth and caring for others is a lost concept.

Okay, rant over.

/r/MedicalCannabisOz Thread Link -