Do you think that the City will ever do anything to curb vagrants and bums?

It's not choosing to be a Grammar Nazi. When someone tries to say that you are dumb, and at the same time shows absolutely zero signs of intelligence or coherence, it's perfectly logical to point it out.

Also, not once did I "shit on the homeless". I merely pointed out that the City is refusing to enforce already existing laws, which is causing social degradation. And for what? To look like they are the good guys? Instead of our tax dollars going towards helping anyone, Van Johnson is directing the funds towards building more parking downtown. Is that what Savannah really needs? More parking? My primary complaint isn't with the homeless. It's with the City. Perhaps you should actually read my post, and you'd see that. If funding was given to homeless shelters and programs, we would see much less begging on our streets.

/r/savannah Thread Parent