'CLEAVED' - the final episode discussion

I get the mixed feelings but I liked it. I enjoyed it in spite of what was missing, and there was a lot missing.

  • As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, the season itself should've been paced better with less filler so there was more room for stuff here. As it is, I thought it was sufficient. Normally I would hate "sufficient," but I think the show handled what it did have so well (ex. The Solaria-Meteora thing, Starco, the four Butterfly forms, some of the gags with Janna and MHC, etc.) that I can't be mad.

  • Starco was handled well, we're all in agreement. As for the ending where they just say 'hi', I don't really see the problem. Everything about the lead-up to that scene was so overwhelming, from the big reveal to just plain seeing each other, that them just launching into a kiss (or even a hug, really) would've felt weird. The 'hi' really just captures the astonishment in their minds. Plus, who needs two kisses when one definitive, genuine kiss (in "Here to Help") was enough? Quality over quantity.

  • Dimensional convergence eh? Well for what its worth this show's Earth is weird enough that it can probably take it. That being said, remember the taxi guy from Beach Day? Yeah, that aspect of the ending is a little hard to grasp. Makes me wonder why they didn't just go with the "Love brings magic back but in a new form" route.

  • Hoo boy Rhombulus being dead was so satisfying. So so satisfying.

  • Solaria smiling at Meteora ended racism.

Y'know how a good ending will leave you thinking about it weeks after like "Wow, that was good" along with other little subtle details and elements? I'll admit that probably won't happen here. Good episode, not so good ending, I guess? Needless to say, another season or an epilogue or something (probably the latter two) is indeed the right idea.

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