[College Genetics] 5 point cross; What is the phenotypic class of 5 point cross?

I got the answer for those who need to figure out 4 or 5 point cross: Assuming that wild type allele of ru1, h1, st1, ry506 & e4 is Ru, H, St, Ry & E respectively.

4 point cross:

Gametes from heterozygous female \rightarrow HStRyE, h1st1ry506e4 (Parental);

Hst1ry506e4, h1StRyE (Single cross-over between H & others);

HStry506e4, h1st1RyE (Single cross-over between St & Ry);

HStRye4, h1st1ry506E (Single cross-over between E & others);

Hst1RyE, h1Stry506e4 (Double cross-over between H & Ry);

Hst1ry506E, h1StRye4 (Double cross-over between H & E);

HStry506E, h1st1Rye4 (Double cross-over between St & E);

Hst1Rye4, h1Stry506E (Triple cross-over between H & E);

Gamete from homozygous male \rightarrow h1st1ry506e4

The cross between a heterozygous female drosophila with homozygous male drosophila for h1 (hairless), st1 (scarlet), ry506 (rosy) & e4 (ebony) is shown below Punnett square.

Sl. No. Gametes h1st1ry506e4 Type of cross-over 1 HStRyE Hh1Stst1Ryry506Ee4 Parental 2 h1st1ry506e4 h1h1st1st1ry506ry506e4e4 Parental 3 Hst1ry506e4 Hh1st1st1ry506ry506e4e4 Single cross-over between H & others 4 h1StRyE h1h1Stst1Ryry506Ee4 Single cross-over between H & others 5 HStry506e4 Hh1Stst1ry506ry506e4e4 Single cross-over between St & Ry 6 h1st1RyE h1h1st1st1Ryry506Ee4 Single cross-over between St & Ry 7 HStRye4 Hh1Stst1Ryry506e4e4 Single cross-over between E & others 8 h1st1ry506E h1h1st1st1ry506ry506Ee4 Single cross-over between E & others 9 Hst1RyE Hh1st1st1Ryry506Ee4 Double cross-over between H & Ry 10 h1Stry506e4 h1h1Stst1ry506ry506e4e4 Double cross-over between H & Ry 11 Hst1ry506E Hh1st1st1ry506ry506Ee4 Double cross-over between H & E 12 h1StRye4 h1h1Stst1Ryry506e4e4 Double cross-over between H & E 13 HStry506E Hh1Stst1ry506ry506Ee4 Double cross-over between St & E 14 h1st1Rye4 h1h1st1st1Ryry506e4e4 Double cross-over between St & E 15 Hst1Rye4 Hh1st1st1Ryry506e4e4 Triple cross-over between H & E 16 h1Stry506E h1h1Stst1ry506ry506Ee4 Triple cross-over between H & E 5 point cross:

Gametes from heterozygous female \rightarrow RuHStRyE, ru1h1st1ry506e4 (Parental);

Ruh1st1ry506e4, ru1HStRyE (Single cross-over between Ru & others);

RuHst1ry506e4, ru1h1StRyE (Single cross-over between H & St);

RuHStry506e4, ru1h1st1RyE (Single cross-over between St & Ry);

RuHStRye4, ru1h1st1ry506E (Single cross-over between E & others);

Ruh1StRyE, ru1Hst1ry506e4 (Double cross-over between Ru & St);

RuHst1RyE, ru1h1Stry506e4 (Double cross-over between H & Ry);

RuHStry506E, ru1h1st1Rye4 (Double cross-over between St & E);

Ruh1st1RyE, ru1HStry506e4 (Double cross-over between Ru & Ry);

Ruh1st1ry506E, ru1HStRye4 (Double cross-over between Ru & E);

RuHst1ry506E, ru1h1StRye4 (Double cross-over between H & E);

Ruh1Stry506e4, ru1Hst1RyE (Triple cross-over between Ru & Ry);

RuHst1Rye4, ru1h1Stry506E (Triple cross-over between H & E);

Ruh1StRye4, ru1Hst1ry506E (Triple cross-over between Ru & E);

Ruh1st1Rye4, ru1HStry506E (Triple cross-over between Ru & E);

Ruh1Stry506E, ru1Hst1Rye4 (Quadruple cross-over between Ru & E);

Gamete from homozygous male \rightarrow ru1h1st1ry506e4

The cross between a heterozygous female drosophila with homozygous male drosophila for ru1 (roughiod), h1 (hairless), st1 (scarlet), ry506 (rosy) & e4 (ebony) is shown below Punnett square.

Sl. No. Gametes ru1h1st1ry506e4 Type of cross-over 1 RuHStRyE Ruru1Hh1Stst1Ryry506Ee4 Parental 2 ru1h1st1ry506e4 ru1ru1h1h1st1st1ry506ry506e4e4 Parental 3 Ruh1st1ry506e4 Ruru1h1h1st1st1ry506ry506e4e4 Single cross-over between Ru & others 4 ru1HStRyE ru1ru1Hh1Stst1Ryry506Ee4 Single cross-over between Ru & others 5 RuHst1ry506e4 Ruru1Hh1st1st1ry506ry506e4e4 Single cross-over between H & St 6 ru1h1StRyE​ ru1ru1h1h1Stst1Ryry506Ee4 Single cross-over between H & St 7 RuHStry506e4 Ruru1Hh1Stst1ry506ry506e4e4 Single cross-over between St & Ry 8 ru1h1st1RyE​ ru1ru1h1h1st1st1Ryry506Ee4 Single cross-over between St & Ry 9 RuHStRye4 Ruru1Hh1Stst1Ryry506e4e4 Single cross-over between E & others 10 ru1h1st1ry506E​ ru1ru1h1h1st1st1ry506ry506Ee4 Single cross-over between E & others 11 Ruh1StRyE Ruru1h1h1Stst1Ryry506Ee4 Double cross-over between Ru & St 12 ru1Hst1ry506e4 ru1ru1Hh1st1st1ry506ry506e4e4 Double cross-over between Ru & St 13 RuHst1RyE Ruru1Hh1st1st1Ryry506Ee4 Double cross-over between H & Ry 14 ru1h1Stry506e4 ru1ru1h1h1Stst1ry506ry506e4e4 Double cross-over between H & Ry​ 15 RuHStry506E Ruru1Hh1Stst1ry506ry506Ee4 Double cross-over between St & E 16 ru1h1st1Rye4 ru1ru1h1h1st1st1Ryry506e4e4 Double cross-over between St & E 17 Ruh1st1RyE Ruru1h1h1st1st1Ryry506Ee4 Double cross-over between Ru & Ry 18 ru1HStry506e4 ru1ru1Hh1Stst1ry506ry506e4e4 Double cross-over between Ru & Ry 19 Ruh1st1ry506E Ruru1h1h1st1st1ry506ry506Ee4 Double cross-over between Ru & E 20 ru1HStRye4 ru1ru1Hh1Stst1Ryry506e4e4 Double cross-over between Ru & E 21 RuHst1ry506E Ruru1Hh1st1st1ry506ry506Ee4 Double cross-over between H & E 22 ru1h1StRye4 ru1ru1h1h1Stst1Ryry506e4e4 Double cross-over between H & E 23 Ruh1Stry506e4 Ruru1h1h1Stst1ry506ry506e4e4 Triple cross-over between Ru & Ry 24 ru1Hst1RyE​ ru1ru1Hh1st1st1Ryry506Ee4 Triple cross-over between Ru & Ry 25 RuHst1Rye4 Ruru1Hh1st1st1Ryry506e4e4 Triple cross-over between H & E 26 ru1h1Stry506E​ ru1ru1h1h1Stst1ry506ry506Ee4 Triple cross-over between H & E 27 Ruh1StRye4 Ruru1h1h1Stst1Ryry506e4e4 Triple cross-over between Ru & E 28 ru1Hst1ry506E​ ru1ru1Hh1st1st1ry506ry506Ee4 Triple cross-over between Ru & E 29 Ruh1st1Rye4 Ruru1h1h1st1st1Ryry506e4e4 Triple cross-over between Ru & E 30 ru1HStry506E ru1ru1Hh1Stst1ry506ry506Ee4 Triple cross-over between Ru & E 31 Ruh1Stry506E Ruru1h1h1Stst1ry506ry506Ee4 Quadruple cross-over between Ru & E 32 ru1Hst1Rye4 ru1ru1Hh1st1st1Ryry506e4e4 Quadruple cross-over between Ru & E

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