Compiling a list of bugs/issues community has been wanting to/and asking to be fixed

Fix the car saying you are missing a part when you first get in Fix the car not boosting immediately when you get inside Fix cars randomly exploding throughout the map Instantly remove people from inside of cars after they die Fix picking up a weapon and it going into your backpack when you have a slot open Fix reload glitch Fix the AK47 sound bug after someone dies Fix the group.youplaced bug Fix infinite running man Chinese still on west coast servers Silent footsteps still aren't fixed Fix hitting kevlars instead of the head Show hitmarkers in spectating Allow spectators to see map/inventory of teammates Make spectating your teammates not 360 degrees Nerf full spray AK and AR Nerf hipfire Nerf crouch spamming. (again) Fix loot distribution in residential areas Fix grenades (severe delay when trying to throw them most of the time) Update safe zones in solos so that the first safe zone isn't massively big when there is only 30 players left Should be able to move while looting Kick me out of my inventory when I'm getting shot Fix loot in loot bags randomly jumping around all over the place Fix loot bags getting stuck inside of rocks and disappearing Loot bag not dropping if you blow up a car while someone is in it

/r/kotk Thread