[April] Goal Discussion Thread.

Seeing as my legal case lead to two rounds of major backstabbing from crazy, unattractive women who I've never wronged, first in a Hearst UK publication and then in a major newspaper, I now have to do what I have to do. NPO and civil litigation in the UK and quit Reddit, win, etc. in the US. I think it's really unfortunate that I was so close to marry a perfect Indian politico via arranged marriage before this crazy storm of abuse/libel/slander/torment started. I keep trying to understand motives for backstabbing me, hurting me, and I don't get it. All I know is that something about me existing, breathing, whatever, makes a particular kind of woman insecure. Maybe some good will come out of what backstabbing occurred but I sure as Hell am not tolerating libel from ugly women.

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread