Created a website where viewers can bid $1 more to showcase anything to the world, so it could become a competitive viral platform when traffic grows.

All of these points are very valid. But to answer the last question posed. The value is one that is kind of in the eyes of the consumer. Based on their unwittingly adopting the Diffusion of Innovation theory. You just have to get a few people that want to be the ones that are the early adopters coupled with wanting to have a piece of something that could go big. Once it starts, to roll, people are just going to look at it to see what the hell got posted. Because it is seemingly unmoderated.

It's not something that you could get at just any other site either. This concept is for the same people that get excited about likes and spend money on farm games in Facebook. So you have to think with their brain I guess. From there once those people hop on then you have eyeballs looking at the page, from there you get the random brands that want to purchase a billboard because of the traffic.

Yes, it does need a catalyst or stunt, and maybe some better wording. But certainly if you 1 board sells, that means 2 can sell. Then that's all she wrote, then it would probably top out at somewhere like 500 billboards. With brands taking over the top end.

/r/Entrepreneur Thread