The Current Condition of UHRS and Mother Teresas of Reddit who are responsible.

It isn't Reddit trust me. If you check this Reddit page less than 1000 people are active here that's a low number. But on Facebook, that's a different story, that's where the problem is at. There is also a telegram group with over 90k members. Where they share answers , screenshots people asking for help with qualification..people asking how they can create another account..people talking about how to change languages and get access to local hitapps not from their countries..that's where the problem is at. 80% are Indians am sorry for profiling but it's true. Indians are everywhere they always ruining shit everywhere. I won't be surprised they make the greater percentage on uhrs. That's why even uhrs set a limit on their country you can't make more than 50$ per day from India. If you are in a platform and Indians notice it it's over for that platform. Simple solution for UHRS. First, just stop accepting new members on the platform. Secondly, do a massive cleanup, have a disable threshold, so if you have hit it you are just removed from the platform entirely.

/r/UHRSwork Thread