Cute Friends [Original]

I didn't try to force my preferences on you or anyone else, but you're trying to convince me I'm secretly into yours.

This is the reason you've pissed me off. You're saying that, because I find this post cute, I must be a pedophile. It can't possibly be that I find it cute for innocent reasons. Because you view it as sexual, that must mean that everyone views it as sexual, and if they don't, then they're just lying pedophiles. Seriously, fuck you, dude.

I didn't come here looking for a fight, but you decided to pick one.

Well, you certainly fooled me. Even if your intention wasn't to be hostile, you certainly came across that way, which is why I responded in kind.

the whole point of this subreddit is to post mildly cute/sexy/titillating pictures and you know it.

Yes. This subreddit is for cute OR sexy art. It can be one or the other. This one is cute, not sexy.

That tells you all you need to know about the artist's intentions.

Who gives a fuck about the artist's intentions? If you know anything about art, you would know that the intentions of the artist are largely meaningless. It's all about what you, as an individual, get out of the work. Sure, the intentions can help put a work into context, but they can easily be ignored, and often are.

Only the first link you posted is an actual loli loli. The rest are just teens with small breasts (you even called the second one "borderline", so you are aware that you're really reaching). And even if those 5 were "child porn", as you wildly claimed, 5 posts in an entire week still counts as "barely".

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