"She died violently fighting the system"

I am not an English native speaker, so I have this quick question. Does this sentence mean that she fought violently or she died violently...?? Because to me, neither makes sense. I love Evelyn, but honestly I don't think she was fighting violently. However, if this sentence means that she died violently, it seems inappropriate to be wrote down as an epitaph.

Btw, during the gameplay, players can find many shards about some idiots in NC trying to rob big corporations without solid plan and fail miserably. And that is exactly what happened to Evelyn, Jackie, and V. I love the fact that this whole story could be just another tale of ordinary NC people, but the devs did a great job making those characters so full of life, so relatable.

/r/FollowersofCyberJudy Thread Link - i.redd.it